Advocating For You



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GAGwP has been devoted for decades to build close working relationships with the decision makers under the Gold Dome. We are a trusted name with a great reputation and lawmakers know they can rely on the information we provide to help shape policy solutions.

Every year our goal is simple, to look out for you and the industries best interest. We build close relationships with our elected officials and understand that every relationship matters.

Each year we see mounting pressures from legislators and regulatory activity. We work proactively to engage early in the process. We understand every session presents opportunity and risk and produces winners and losers.

We put our efforts into direct lobbying face to face with our lawmakers and their staff, finding allies and then work to influence legislation and regulations.

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Legislative Accomplishments & Ongoing Efforts

  • Passed a bill to Cut license fees in half.  (This legislation alone will pay for your yearly dues to the association.)
  • Killed a bill which would have provided for mandatory hookup
  • Passed a bill requiring only One (1) BUSINESS LICENSE – Now you will only have to buy 1 Business License where your office is located instead of one in every city and county you do business in.
  • Killed the idea of LICENSING OPERATORS – Recently the state wanted to license the men on the rigs who actually pulled the levers. GDA was successful in stopping this!
  • Killed idea of “GUARANTEEING QUANTITY AND QUALITY OF WATER” as proposed by a State Representative on House Natural Resources Committee.
  • Got an Attorney General Ruling that says Drillers do NOT NEED ELECTRICAL OR PLUMBING LICENSE when doing this work in conjunction with drilling a well.
  • Killed the idea of “PERMITTING” every well BEFORE it could be drilled.
  • Killed the idea of the state SPOTTING THE EXACT LOCATION of the well before construction.
  • Got a MAJORITY OF DRILLERS ON THE LICENSING BOARD. Later it changed to include 2 drillers from North Georgia and 2 from South Georgia.
  • Got the Licensing Board to send “CERTIFIED LETTERS” to license holders before their licenses expired so that they would not have to pay a tremendous penalty to renew their license.
  • Killed the idea of imposing a $100 WELL PERMIT to drill every well.
  • Passed legislation to require certification of PUMP INSTALLERS.
GA Well Drillers

Private Property Protections for Residential Groundwater Wells

Thanks to the lobbying efforts of GAGwP during the 2023 legislative session, SB 121 was passed and signed into law by Governor Kemp effective July 1, 2023. Read more click here 



Know that GAGwP is your voice 365 days a year and that is why your membership is so important. We are continually working with lawmakers, code officials, local and state officials, media, and anyone who can better our cause.

CLICK HERE to find your representatives.

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The Georgia Assembly is the legislative branch for our state. It is modeled like our Federal Government in Washington, D.C. Georgia has an Executive Branch and two Houses. The House of Representatives and the Senate. 

The House of Representatives has 180 members and the Georgia Senate has 56 Senators.  

Our state government is always in motion even though they can only meet for 40 legislative days per year starting on the second Monday in January and usually meeting until late March. On occasion, the assembly may be called back under special session.

CLICK HERE to find your representatives.

Stay Active

It is important for you to get to know your elected officials. They want to hear from you. As you can see getting a bill to a law is a long process and your support matters. Be active in your community, become a member of GAGwP and check this page often to stay informed on what your business needs to know.

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Before a law ever reaches the Governor’s Desk, it has to be written and passed, it has to go to committee to be studied then usually open to hearings then receive a favorable report from the committee to move forward for a vote. During this process, changes can be made. If it makes it, the final bill needs a majority vote to make it to the other house. If changes are made in the other house, the bill would then go back to the original house to be voted on again. The latest state of a bill to be signed into law is up to the governor. If the governor vetoes it will be sent back to the original house.


Election Day gives businesses a voice. It’s the day you can shape the policies that affect your company and employees for years to come. Elections have consequences. Be informed and vote! Do your homework and know where politicians stand on issues that affect you the most.

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Election Day gives businesses a voice. It’s the day you can shape the policies that affect your company and employees for years. to come. Elections have consequences. Be informed and vote! Do your homework and know where politicians stand on issues that affect you the most. Educate your employee’s so they are prepared to cast votes that will benefit this and their families. Make sure to post-election dates ahead and give your employee a chance to vote.


Voting is your opportunity to shape our future.

Up-Coming Initiatives

GAGwP seeks to ensure that you have a voice inside the government and that its heard on the issues that are important in our industry and to your business.  We work day in and day out to protect and promote your rights.

Together we have been able to bring profound positive results with our actions. Please subscribe to our newsletter for upcoming initiatives. Provide your information below and we will add you to our list.

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Georgia Association Of Groundwater Professionals

P.O. Box 1239 * Jasper, GA 30143
(678) 646-0379

@ 2023 Georgia Association Of Groundwater Professionals

GA Well Drillers

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